Chest Wall Trauma Mnemonic / Abdominal Wall Trauma Mnemonic:
Having trouble remembering all the important questions to ask during your patient encounter? Then try our Chest Wall/Abdominal Wall Trauma Mnemonic for USMLE Step 2 CS.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Chest wall Abdominal wall trauma Mnemonic
NOTE: Make sure to wash your hands or wear gloves before you start physical examination. Make sure to ask for permission before you start each physical exam. Make sure to use proper draping (don’t forget to tie back patient’s gown). Make sure to explain each physical examination in layman’s term to your patient. Do NOT repeat painful maneuvers.
- Head & Neck exam: Inspection, Palpitation (Look for signs of head trauma)
- Mouth exam: Inspection
- Cardiovascular exam: Inspection, Auscultation, Palpation, Percussion
- Pulmonary exam: Inspection, Auscultation, Palpation, Percussion, Tactile Fremitus. (Especially in a patient with SOB & Chest pain)
- Abdominal exam: Inspection, Auscultation, Palpation, spleen,
- Neurologic exam: Mini Mental Status Exam, Cranial nerves (2-12), Gross Motor & Sensory
- Musculoskeletal exam: Inspection, Palpitation (look for bruises and trauma)
- BEST Tips on how to Pass USMLE Step 2 CS
- Physical Exam Videos
- BLUE SHEET Mnemonic (pdf file)
- CS Timer
- Official USMLE Step 2 CS Site
- Official Content Description & General Information Booklet (includes the list of abbreviation, you can use on your exam)
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Chest Wall/Abdominal Wall Trauma.