Month: December 2013
Syphilis Medical Question: A 46 year old male comes to the physician with an ulcer on his genital. On physical examination you note that the ulcer is non-tender, with …
Acute Shortness of Breath: A 36 year old male is rushed to the ER with severe respiratory distress. He is agitated and gasping for breath. He has been in …
Opioid Toxicity: 28 year old male is brought to the ER by police with depressed mental status. Patient had swallowed a handful of pills as the police officers approached …
Acute intermittent porphyria: Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), an autosomal dominant metabolic disorder affecting the production of heme, the oxygen-binding group of hemoglobin. Acute intermittent porphyria is due to deficiency of …